
By admin 10 Settembre 2020 In Uncategorized

What do you do, exactly?

They often ask me this and every time I underline “exactly”.

Why limit or compress your perimeter, if you still want to learn, grow, improve, broaden your horizon and dare?

I started 22 years ago working in the operations, then I discovered sales, new-business development, project management, trade marketing, marketing, communication, pr and business strategy.

Travel, Tourism & Aviation are my most loved fields, anyway thanks to brandsavetheworld in the last 5 years I have collaborated with companies and people operating in design, fashion, sport, food, culture and politics areas.

Travel Hashtag gives me the chance to follow and feed my passion for organizing unconventional conferences and events.

Furthermore, I have been recently involved as co-founder in CV Start, the “human” and disruptive career consulting hub, result of the intuition of Silvia Natale.

Finally, I have decided to develop the brand that has my name and whose mission is to support people in making decisions and communicating effectively.

So, let’s rewind the tape: “What do you do, exactly?”.

I help people and companies look and go a little further.”

Now, that’s all perfectly clear, isn’t it?

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